Authors and Staff

Shamisen is the site owner, administrator, and basically the guy responsible for keeping this place running. His interests include aviation and anime. He is perpetually in a strange mood…

Email: shamisen[at]


Dustin (aka Stilts) enjoys playing (and yelling at) video games, especially RPGs. He also likes super robot shows… the more outrageous the plot, the better!

Twitter: stiltsthegm


Chris (aka Kagami or xsirhc) cares for only two things; cars and women. As an engineer, he appreciates all things mechanical, such as hot rods and giant transforming robots. He also collects various anime figurines.

Twitter: kagami_desu


Megan (aka Yuki) enjoys emotional and thought-provoking stories like Haibane Renmei and Simoun. She pretends to know what she’s talking about, but is actually as clueless as the rest of us.

(aka Aquagaze) is a college student from the distant world of Europa. He likes indie music, JRPGs and anime. ‘The crazier, the better’ applies to all of his interests, including himself.

Twitter: Aquagaze


(aka Hate-Chan) is a Gundam fanatic and faithful WWE acolyte. He enjoys kicking his game consoles, making snappy comments, writing stories and drawing pictures.