IGN Ranks Top 25 Most Popular Anime Characters

We all have that favorite series that we keep going back and watching. Mine is Lucky Star. However, despite my ever drooling over that series and the lovely protagonists therein, I always knew in my heart that none of my beloved Lucky Star girls would compare to legendary characters of anime past. Why do I know this? Well, the people at IGN have tallied their opinions of who belongs in the top 25 most popular anime characters of all time, and after reading I could not help but agree (mostly).

The criteria used to judge each character was their ever lasting fame and the impact they had on both the industry and their particular genre. Without spoiling the article, which I insist you go check out, I was pleased to see that most of my guesses made their way into the top 25. Our glorified SOS brigade leader was among them, and righteously so. She made a big impact in the world a few years ago, and still remains dominant even today.

As for Lucky Star, while it was (and indeed still is) enormously popular and fun, no individual character carried the series alone, rather it was a glorious team effort.

So check out IGN’s top 25. What is your opinion on the most popular (or influential) anime character? Did your favorite even make it onto IGN’s list?

You can find the list here.

–Via IGN